Saturday, October 16, 1993

  • Outside of restaurant Noob's Bloxxin during its prime.

Family pizzeria, Noob's Bloxxin, has recieved a tremendous amount of backlash over employees working at the restaurant going missing. Last week alone, two security guards have dissapeared after their first few days working at the company. Many customers have also complained about the restaurant itself. The animatronic characters have been reported to be acting strangely throughout performances, and have been said to be caked with dirt and grime. The lights have been seen on during the night, as well as music blaring throughout the restaurant every single night at roughly 2-3 A.M, causing nearby residents to issue in complaints.

Customers have also complained about the building itself practically deteriorating, with even one saying that employees were taking the tables and chairs. Some residents near the restaurant have also reported to hear what they described as children crying in the middle of the night as well. Below is a statement provided by William Afton, the co-founder of Noob Entertainment.

"Everyone here working in the company is absolutely devastated over the dissapearances going on. But, I'd like to say with an open heart, that we had nothing to do with it! All the claims made against us are slanderous and trying to ruin our already tarnished reputation. All the things going around about us are nothing to worry about."

Afton's statement raised eyebrows to some, but he was eventually dismissed by authorities.